In line with their name, Actual Veggies concentrates on crafting delectable, lively veggie burgers that are notable for their true-to-nature taste and satisfying qualities. Co-founders Hailey Swartz and Jason Rosenbaum are committed to delivering genuine plant-based options that steer clear of the heavily processed and cryptic ingredients common in other vegetarian and meat alternative products.
The innovation here is a commitment to using only whole plants in their burgers, thereby offering a wholesome and natural option for those looking to follow a vegan or vegetarian diet. By focusing on pure, high quality ingredients which impart a distinct, authentic flavor to our burgers, they also serve a delightful reminder of the allure of natural ingredients.
When we sat down to work on Kosher certification for the Actual Veggies line of products, their ingredient list was an asset. While it can be a little tricky to certify highly processed ingredients as Kosher, it’s relatively simple to certify plant based products as Kosher. We enjoy working with the team at Actual Veggies and are proud to have the EarthKosher certified symbol on their products.
If you have questions about Kosher certification for your line of products, get in touch, perhaps we’ll be featuring your brand on the blog next!