August 20, 2024

The following products under the Actual Veggies brand bear an unauthorized symbol and are not Kosher.

1. Eggplant Chickpea Veggie Balls
2. Southwest Black Bean Veggie Balls

Corrective measures have been taken.
These products should not be used and should be returned to the store.
If the product is seen in store with the symbol, please email noting the store name and location.

June 10, 2024
EarthKosher does not certify products being sold by Philosopher Foods.
Products are not under our certification even when bearing symbol.
Corrective action is being taken.

June 10, 2024
EarthKosher does not certify products being sold by Stickling’s Bakery of Canada.
Products are not under our certification even when bearing symbol.
Corrective action is being taken.

Deember 23, 2021
It has come to our attention that Edible Arrangements in Pearl River, NY has made claims that it is under the supervision of EarthKosher/Rabbi Sholom Adler.
EarthKosher does not and has not ever certified this Edible Arrangements location.

December 14, 2021

Company: Wildly Organic (Wilderness Family Naturals)
Product: Goji Berries
Lot: 29637
Issue: Mistakenly labeled with EarthKosher symbol. Product is not Kosher certified. Corrective action being taken.

May 11, 2020

EarthKosher no longer certifies products sold by Edible Garden of Belvidere, NJ even when bearing the Kosher symbol. Packaging is being updated.

August 5, 2019

EarthKosher has received and independently verified reports of consumers finding insects in packages of dried goji berries, to include the following lots of goji berries sold by Sunfood Superfoods. These lots bear the EarthKosher symbol and are not certified: Lot# 190701 (8oz) and 190628 (1lb). Packaging is being updated.

July 22, 2019:

Earth Kosher has received and verified reports of consumers finding insects in packages of dried goji berries. At this time, dried goji berries should not be consumed even when bearing our kosher symbol.However, the following lots of goji berries packaged and sold by Navitas Organics are acceptable.

These lots have been tested and determined to be halachically clean of infestation: 2501906301, 2501907001, 2501908401, 2501908501, 2501908501, 2501917001, 2501910101, 2501910111, 2501917101, 2501905601, 2501910001, 2501909801, 2501910001, 2501906301, 2501906401, 2501908401.

February 25, 2019 :

Yaki Nori,” distributed throughout Canada by Ran Foods (Mississauga, Ontario), bears a symbol saying “Kosher Earth” with a big “K” in the circle. This product is not certified by Earth Kosher nor by the “OK”. To the best of our knowledge, the “K” in a circle with the words “Kosher Earth” is NOT a symbol of kosher certification.

EarthKosher has received and verified reports of consumers finding insects in packages of dried goji berries. At this time, goji berries should not be consumed even when bearing our kosher symbol.

Futter’s Nut Butters products bear an unauthorized EarthKosher symbol and are not certified by EarthKosher. Corrective action is being taken.